Now, we're moving into the next phase of Taylor's journey. He is working hard at physical therapy and now has added Project Walk to his routine. He must continue to get scans and blood work done every three months to make sure the cancer stays away. Taylor will finish his senior year and graduate in June of 2013 with his class just as he had hoped! His goal is to walk across the stage to receive his diploma! What an accomplishment that will be!
We traveled to Balsam, NC for Christmas this year, mainly because Pop-Pop and Taylor had several conversations about celebrating here during his many hospital stays. And I have to agree, there's no place like the mountains!
It was a homemade Christmas with our Charlie Brown tree that the boys cut down on the mountain. The kids helped make popcorn and cranberry garland and we made a paper chain out of an old book. The tree was decked with pinecone ornaments and topped with a tin foil star. Perfect!
Staying warm and roasting marshmallows by the fire pit on the porch.
His future's so bright, he's gotta wear shades (a present from Santa).
Super Taylor on Christmas morning.
Only cool people wear shorts in the bitter cold.
Jack got to join us in the mountains this year. Lucky dog!
We've been having a wonderfully chilly time!