Thursday, May 17, 2012

Taylor will be an Honored Guest at the 7th Annual Dick Vitale Gala!

Well, looks like its for Real! Got the tickets in the mail, hotel confirmation for five at the Ritz (compliments of the V Foundation) and, two calls from Mr. Vitale himself!!! We hope to be on our way "Baby"!

Taylor Update: Taylor currently has a fever and his throat hurts. We're hoping he sleeps it off by tomorrow or we may have to cancel the festivities. It will be a tough call, but Taylor's health is most important. 

We know you all are keeping him in your prayers.


  1. We are rootin for you, taylor!! Sometimes our minds get ahead of our bodies. Listen closely to your body, cousin. No event is worth your health. We <3 you and hope you do FEEL like you can go. xoxo

  2. P.S.
    I meant to capitalize the "T" in your name! Some writer I am.
